


banks, banking system, banking business, financial stability, provision, management, guarantee mechanism


The study focuses on issues of managing the development of banks and the banking system of Ukraine in general. Issues of financial stability of banks are studied, for which the author's methodical approach to the formation and implementation of the mechanism for managing the financial stability of banking structures in Ukraine has been developed. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the directions and means of improving the mechanism of managing the financial stability of banks. The financial stability of banks is proposed to be interpreted as their ability to withstand macroeconomic factors, fulfill obligations on time, ensure reliability and repayment of funds contributed by individuals and legal entities. The analysis was carried out and the factors that determine the conditions and parameters of the stability of the banking system of Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale war were determined. The structural characteristics and general configuration, as well as the components and tools of the policy of strengthening the financial stability of domestic banks in conditions of instability, have been determined. It was established that the state, as a regulator, is interested in conducting stress testing, since the analysis and assessment of the financial stability of banks that have experienced various stressful conditions allows to draw conclusions about the stability of the entire banking system. It is summarized that without the introduction of modern banking and information technologies, the use of international banking experience and the expansion and improvement of banking services, the further development of the banking system is impossible. It was concluded that in order to overcome the crisis in the banking sector, directions for improving the financial condition of banking institutions were created. Currently, the banking system of Ukraine is gradually emerging from the crisis: the number of bankrupt banks has decreased, profitability has increased, the level of capitalization has increased, the National Bank of Ukraine has simplified the procedures for recapitalization and reorganization of banks, established the latest liquidity support measures and new requirements for calculating bank credit risk, etc.



How to Cite

BUHEL, Y., & LOPATOVSKYI, V. (2024). DIRECTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE FINANCIAL STABILITY MANAGEMENT MECHANISM OF BANKS. Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University. Economic Sciences, 332(4), 373-378.