



financial sector, financial institutions, non-financial corporations, banks, bank lending, financial inclusion


The article deals with the issues of bank lending to the sector of non-financial corporations under martial law. It is emphasized that for many years, state policy in the financial sector directly or indirectly contributed to the formation of a model in which banks took the leading place. As a result, the potential of non-banking financial institutions to initiate open aggression was low, and the level of financial inclusion did not correspond to the tasks facing our state.

The article emphasizes that the opinion that only banks can become a real "driver" in the formation of a truly effective financial sector in Ukraine has been propagated in society for a long time. However, both at the level of the banking sector as a whole and in the segment of bank lending, there were and still are serious problems, the solution of which will largely depend on the role of banks in the post-war economy of Ukraine. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the structure of credit resources directed to the real sector of the national economy of Ukraine. While domestic enterprises urgently need long-term resources, the specific weight of such loans is insignificant. It is also worth noting the destructive influence of the macro environment, which also restrains the development of the domestic credit market. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the existence of the "crowding out effect" when the state's active emission strategy in the loan capital market creates significant problems for private borrowers.

A number of measures aimed at intensifying bank lending to non-financial corporations in Ukraine have been justified. It is emphasized that overcoming imbalances in the bank lending market must be considered in the context of general approaches to reforming the financial sector. Full development of the loan capital market is possible only when all borrowers have enough alternatives for borrowing. Accordingly, competition for borrowers will contribute to the formation of effective relationships between market participants.



How to Cite

BABENKO, A. (2024). LENDING OF BUSINESS: KEY PRIORITIES DURING MARITAL STATE. Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University. Economic Sciences, 332(4), 188-192. https://doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2024-332-27