Peer-review process

All manuscripts are initially treated by editors to assess their compliance with the requirements of the journal and the subject.

After the editor decision  the manuscripts are sent to at least external experts working in this area. The manuscript goes peer review, neither the authors nor the reviewers do not know each other.

Review comments transmitted to the author, together with a recommendation for a possible revision of the manuscript. Publishing editor reports to the authors about adopting manuscript without require revision or authors are given the opportunity to review the manuscript and submit it again, or manuscript rejected.

Review procedure

The review procedure includes several stages. By submitting an article to journal,  you will encounter a blind peer-review policy procedure, which means that your work will be checked without regard to your status, affiliation and other personal data.    

If your article has no potential and is not of interest to the publisher, you will be informed soon enough. If your article has attracted the interest of the editor of the journal, then you are appointed reviewers.    

When your work is analyzed, the editor sends you feedback from reviewers with comments and status:

- accept with minor amendments (accept with minor revisions)

- accept with significant amendments (accept with major revisions)

- refuse (reject)

If you are still denied the opportunity to publish in this journal, it usually happens for the following reasons::

- your study does not say anything new, the study is a compilation and discussion of other scientificworks.

- Literature review (related works / state-of-art) is not detailed enough and is not a solid theoretical foundation for your article.

- The study was methodologically incorrect  (small sample, reliability and validity of the study are extremely low).

- The article is not well structured,the article has significant deviations from the academic style.

This means two possible options:either you have not prepared the article well enough and you need to refine it or you just chose the wrong joutnal.

A very important skill is the ability to communicate with editors and reviewers..

Having received another feedback on your work it is recommended to take into account the all recommendations of reviewers.

There are situations when you have received two conflicting reviews of reviewers, one of which is for and the other is against the placement of your article in the journal. The final decisive is made by the journal editor, who knows the reviewers and will be able to reasonably take any side.